Pupil Council

Pupil Council

The Pupil Council has been established in Limerick School Project for a long time and it is run as part of the Equality and Justice strand of the Learn Together programme. The aim of the council is to provide pupils with greater involvement in the decision-making procedures of the school and learn about the democratic process.

Two children from each class are elected by secret ballot and retain their positions on the council for the duration of the school year. Infant classes are represented by two elected pupils from 5th and 6th Class.

The Student Council meets several times each term. Meetings are facilitated by Jenni with council representatives collecting ideas and suggestions for the agenda from each class ahead of each meeting. Suggestions are then discussed, prioritised and are brought to the attention of staff and board of management meetings. Since it was established, the Pupil Council has been responsible for numerous positive initiatives in the school such as the now annual, Valentine’s Fair.

The Pupil Council continues to play an important role in school life and makes a vital contribution to improving our school environment and the quality of school life for all pupils and staff.


Feb 14
Intercultural Day
Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Mar 06
World Book Day
Mar 10
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Limerick School Project,
O'Connell Ave,

© 2025 Limerick School Project